Green is Gold!

Hello everyone!

Since spring has officially sprung, it usually symbolizes warmer weather and colorful patterns. My new favorite goodies that spring has been offering is from the earth itself, and what it has to offer. The beautiful wildlife, and the fruits, berries and vegetables that this beautiful country has given us.

Hopefully I didn’t get too poetic out there for everyone 😛

Back to the point, my goal this spring was to get back into healthy eating. I took a slight detour around Valentines day, and Easter lead me down a dark…yet delicious chocolatey path.

My new love is juicing. A really quick way to nourish your body with a lot of vitamins and a plethora of flavor.

Here is my Kale, Grapefruit, Orange, and Cucumber juice blend!

It’s a serious hit of vitamin c after the flu season, and kale offers a boost of calcium and protein.



Green Gold for sure!

And I wanted to try a new format for my recipes, so here is a cute little video I made explaining the recipe! Let me know if you like it with a thumbs up (if you want) 😛

Hope you enjoy!
